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How to Download Among Us Game in Any TV | Works in Smart/Android TV 1 GB Ram | Working 2020

How to Download Among Us Game in Any TV | Works in Any Smart/Android TV | Working 2020

You've already Known about Very Popular Game AMONG   US by INNERSLOTH LLC is Very BEST  ONLINE (MULTIPLAYER) BATTLEROYALE (ACTION) Game, But Now you can THE Easily Play THE LATEST VERSION OF among us in Your TV, So You all Need to Do Some Steps to Play This Game in TV.


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Among Us is an online multiplayer social deduction game, developed and published by American game studio InnerSloth and released on June 15, 2018. The game takes place in a space-themed setting where players each take on one of two roles, most being Crewmates, and a predetermined number being Impostors by Wikipedia

While initially released in 2018 to little mainstream attention, it received an influx of popularity in 2020 due to many well-known Twitch streamers and YouTubers playing it. In response to the game's popularity, a sequel, Among Us 2, was announced in August of 2020. This sequel was subsequently announced as canceled on September 23, 2020, as the team shifted focus onto the original game.[12][13]

Initial release date15 June 2018
PlatformsAndroid, iOS, Microsoft Windows
GenresParty game, Survival game


1. Download The Game Apk File from The Above Download Link

2. Install The Apk File

3. Install Octopus App in Your TV, Watch The Below Video to Know How?

3. Open Octopus App and Click on Plus (+) Button

4. Find and Tap Select On Among Us Game

5. Hit Among Us Icon

Start The Game and Enjoy YOUR GAME!!!



Among Us is a multiplayer game, supporting 4–10 players. 1–3 of these players are randomly selected each game to be Impostors, while the rest are Crewmates. The game can take place on one of three maps: a spaceship (The Skeld), a headquarters building (Mira HQ), or a planet base (Polus).[1][14] Crewmates are given tasks to complete around the map in the form of minigames, consisting of maintenance work on vital systems, such as electrical rewiring and fueling engines. Impostors are given a fake list of tasks in order to blend in with Crewmates and have the ability to sabotage the map's systems, traverse vents, identify any other Impostors, and murder Crewmates. If a player dies, they become a ghost; ghosts have the ability to pass through walls, but can only interact with the world in limited ways and are invisible to everyone except other ghosts.[15][16] All players, aside from ghosts,[17] have a limited cone of vision, which allows for players to hide from view of other players despite the game's top-down perspective.[18]

The Crewmates win by completing all tasks before being murdered or by finding and eliminating all the Impostors; for the Impostors to win, they must kill enough Crewmates such that the number of Impostor(s) is equal to the number of Crewmate(s) or have a sabotage countdown run out; the goal of ghosts is to help their living teammates by completing tasks and performing sabotages for Crewmate and Impostor ghosts, respectively. When an Impostor performs a sabotage, there is either an immediate consequence (such as all the lights being turned off) or a countdown will begin, and the sabotage must be resolved before it finishes, or else all the Crewmates will die. Sabotages can be resolved by players in varying ways depending on which sabotage is done.[15][16][14]

If a player finds a dead body, they can report it, which will lead to a group meeting where all other gameplay is halted and players discuss who they believe an Impostor is based on the evidence surrounding the murder. If a plurality vote is reached, the chosen person is ejected from the map and dies.[15][16] Players may also call an "emergency meeting" by pressing a button in the map at any time.[19][20][16] The game is played in a text chat,[15] wherein players can only communicate during meetings, and only if they are alive, although ghosts can speak with each other.[16][18][14] Although the game does not have a built-in voice chat system, it is common for players to use external programs such as Discord while playing.[21][22][23] Various customization options to aspects of gameplay, such as vision range and emergency meetings, are available in each game's lobby.[24][18] There are also many cosmetic options, including spacesuit colors, skins, hats, and pets,[25][26] some of which are paid downloadable content.[18][4][9][d]

Development and release

Among Us was inspired by the real-life party game Mafia, and was initially intended to be a mobile-only local multiplayer game with a single map. In June 2018, the game released to Android and iOS. Shortly after release, Among Us had an average player count of 30 to 50 players simultaneously.[24] Programmer Forest Willard deemed that "it didn’t release super well" which designer Marcus Bromander believed was because studio InnerSloth "[is] really bad at marketing".[3] The team intended to "[give] up on it several times", but continued work on it due to a "small but vocal player base",[27] first adding in online multiplayer, new tasks, customization options,[27] and later that year, a Steam release.[3] Cross-platform play support was available upon release of the PC version,[28][29] and in 2019, two additional maps, Mira HQ and Polus, were added.[30][31][32]

According to Willard, the team stuck with the game "a lot longer than we probably should have from a pure business standpoint", putting out regular updates to the game as often as once per week. This led to a steady increase in players, "snowball[ing]" the game's playerbase. Bromander stated their ability to do this was due to them having enough savings, allowing them to keep working on the game even while it was not selling particularly well.[3]

The team planned to release the game to consoles such as PS4 and Xbox One, but encountered a problem in implementing player communication, as standard text-based or voice-based chat seemed unusable. They considered a system similar to the "quick comms" system from Rocket League, as well as the possibility of developing an entirely new communication system for the game. As of September 2020, it is currently unknown what state the development of the ports is in, though they are at least considering making them.[21][22]


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